Hello & welcome….
We are Jim & Deanna Moris & welcome to our website. We live near Cassville, WI right next to the Mississippi river. While we enjoy many things & activities, our passions are our farm(s) & animals. We have two miniature donkeys (Max & Storm) & a small herd of fullblood Lowline Angus cattle.
Our farm, High Voltage Farms,LLC, is a small scale/hobby farm (120 acres) located in Glen Haven, Wisconsin, which is about 12 miles from our home. We are in the SW corner of the state, along the Mississippi river, between Prairie du Chien, WI & Dubuque, Iowa. This part of Wisconsin is very agricultural based & very diversified with many large & small dairy farms, cattle producers/feeders, & grain (corn/soybean) farmers. We like to think of this beautiful area as “God’s best work”.
We are Jim & Deanna Moris & welcome to our website. We live near Cassville, WI right next to the Mississippi river. While we enjoy many things & activities, our passions are our farm(s) & animals. We have two miniature donkeys (Max & Storm) & a small herd of fullblood Lowline Angus cattle.
Our farm, High Voltage Farms,LLC, is a small scale/hobby farm (120 acres) located in Glen Haven, Wisconsin, which is about 12 miles from our home. We are in the SW corner of the state, along the Mississippi river, between Prairie du Chien, WI & Dubuque, Iowa. This part of Wisconsin is very agricultural based & very diversified with many large & small dairy farms, cattle producers/feeders, & grain (corn/soybean) farmers. We like to think of this beautiful area as “God’s best work”.

Our crop ground is rented out, but our main interest is our fullblood Lowline Angus cattle. We became interested in Lowlines in 2009 when we saw our first one at a local fair & we immediately fell in love with them. Deanna had wanted miniature donkeys as pets for a long time, so I used that as a lead-in to get some “cows”. I said she could have her 2 donkeys, but only if I could have my 2 small Lowline cows. So we built a small barn, did some fencing, searched the whole world (or at least the tri-state area) for two perfect donkeys (found them), installed automatic water, searched for cows (found them, too), & started building our herd.
Our original goal was to keep just two cows, breed them artificially (no bull), & keep the total herd size no larger than 4-5 head. So we purchased two older bred cows (“Ellie” & “J”) in March, 2010 from Brian & Marlene in Freeport, Ill. They are fabulous people & we will never be able to thank them enough. Long story short…..both cows had heifer calves (“Beauty”&“Precious”….very cute calves), but it was hard to get a small herd of 2 cows artificially bred. So we drove to Iowa to purchase a Fullblood Lowline bull & came home with one bull (“Urias”) & one Lowline bred heifer (why & how I don’t know but ask Deanna – it had something to do with extra room in the trailer & a really cute bred heifer). Calves at home were growing & were still very cute. Iowa heifer (“Wii”) had a heifer calf (“Annabelle”…..also very cute calf), cows all got bred (thanks Urias), all calves still too cute to sell…….I will stop there as I am sure you are getting the picture. Nature took over and by the end of 2016, we had a herd of 22 fullblood & 3 halfblood females.
Our original goal was to keep just two cows, breed them artificially (no bull), & keep the total herd size no larger than 4-5 head. So we purchased two older bred cows (“Ellie” & “J”) in March, 2010 from Brian & Marlene in Freeport, Ill. They are fabulous people & we will never be able to thank them enough. Long story short…..both cows had heifer calves (“Beauty”&“Precious”….very cute calves), but it was hard to get a small herd of 2 cows artificially bred. So we drove to Iowa to purchase a Fullblood Lowline bull & came home with one bull (“Urias”) & one Lowline bred heifer (why & how I don’t know but ask Deanna – it had something to do with extra room in the trailer & a really cute bred heifer). Calves at home were growing & were still very cute. Iowa heifer (“Wii”) had a heifer calf (“Annabelle”…..also very cute calf), cows all got bred (thanks Urias), all calves still too cute to sell…….I will stop there as I am sure you are getting the picture. Nature took over and by the end of 2016, we had a herd of 22 fullblood & 3 halfblood females.
We are so looking forward to 2020 at High Voltage Farms. We should have 15 fullblood calves, nine this spring & six this fall. These calves will be the last we get from our previous herd sire, FCC/SFR Longmire, so that makes them special to us.
So right now we are enjoying our Lowlines and are curious to see where they take us next. We both will admit that we have changed from wanting only two cows to wanting a small (or maybe even a big?) herd. We have limited pasture and we are getting older, so eventually we will have to decide how large a herd we can handle. As we continue to improve our cattle, we are excited to be producing some high quality females that we hope to offer for sale to other breeders. We feel we have a great herd that gets better each year with our Lowline genetics. Our goal this year is to keep our herd at its present size by offering quality steers and/or breeding stock to others But, as farming & the cattle business always go, things will change……so we say our prayers, keep our fingers crossed, smile at our plans…and our herd.